Influencer Marketing
For Brands
Connect with Top Travel, Tech, and Lifestyle Influencers
Influencer marketing campaigns can be incredibly powerful, but they are also time-consuming and complex. At MODERNSPEAK, we specialize in seamlessly navigating the dynamic landscape of influencer marketing, ensuring that your brand not only stands out but also thrives in the digital world.

What We Offer

Brands We Work With

Benefits For Brands

Enhanced Alignment and Visibility
Leverage our influencer network to find the perfect fit

Hassle-free support
Let us take campaign execution and management off your plate

Direct collaboration
We work directly with brands while representing creators; we understand both sides of the craft for optimal ROI.
It was such a pleasure working with MODERNSPEAK. Explore Edmonton ran a campaign with twelve creators from across Canada. MODERNSPEAK suggested an array of fantastic creators that aligned with Explore Edmonton's goals and priorities, which resulted in a variety of engaging content. The campaign was a tremendous success with more than 4.5M impressions and an engagement rate that surpassed industry standards.